Certifications CertificeringQuality guaranteed
Certificates are more than simply a nice display on the wall. They’re a guarantee of quality and a recognition that we apply a high standard to the work we do. For instance, our NEN 4400-1 certification means that our staff and financial administration is carried out according to this high standard. Safety is also extremely important to both us and our clients, which is why we are VCU certified, meaning that we thoroughly brief all our candidates on safety in risky environments like factories and construction sites.
These certifications are awarded by external organizations and we are audited yearly. It is not mandatory in the Netherlands for recruitment companies to have these certifications, but we want to show that we
Certificates are our guarantee of quality and a recognition that we apply a high standard to the work we do. Certifications are awarded by external organizations and we are audited yearly.
are working properly and that we are not afraid to be inspected annually by these institutions. We are proud of the fact that we are doing everything by the book and that we take care of the well-being of our people. We want to show these things through our certifications.
For you, this means that you can rest assured that we are a trustworthy agency and that we are transparent and reliable. In cases where you need to be certified – for instance, you might need to have a VCA safety certification – we take care of all the necessary arrangements.

NEN 4400-1





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